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    Developing The Next Wave of Leaders

    Date: May 10, 2023, 11:30am – 1:00pm
    First Choice Catering
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    ‘Developing The Next Wave of Leaders’ by Mike Henke

    How do you create a learning culture that appeals to today's workforce, including creating an internal Leadership Academy that will provide what employees are looking for the most? Personal Growth is the priority of 68% of employees today, and being proactive to increase your bench strength and improve retention is easier than you think! Hear why this is so important, and how it is a large piece of succession planning!

    • How to develop a plan to insure that every employee is moving forward
    • How can we create employees who are ready to step in to supervisor roles
    • How do you tie this to succession planning and insure you are developing the right people?
    • How this improves Retention, especially for your Rock Stars!




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